The Bombay Talkies Studios is the biggest film company of Asia, commonly known as Bombay Talkies founded by The Pillar of Indian Cinema Rajnarayan Dube in 1934.
Rajnarayan Dube The Pillar Of Indian Cinema & Business Tycoon founded the Oldest finance company of India DUBE INDUSTRIES in 1929 & The Biggest Film Company Of Asia BOMBAY TALKIES along with Himanshu Rai & Devika Rani in 1934.
Under Command of Rajnarayan Dube Bombay Talkies produced & Processed More Than 450 Films, Launched more than 280 legends, Distributed 259 movie's, Built 400 Cinema Hall & Financed more than 700 films.
The Bombay Talkies with it's grand union introduced The Ultimate Megastar of World Maharishi Aazaad who created First Movie for Bombay Talkies after 6 Decades as a Writer, Director & Actor based On Life & Thoughts of greatest revolutionary of India Chandrashekhar Azad, RASHTRAPUTRA, which screened at the biggest film festival of world 72nd Cannes film festival, France and earned applause from the Audience.
Dube Industries with his grand union Made the First Mainstream Sanskrit film of the world AHAM BRAHMASMI, to Rejuvenate, Project, Protect Sanskrit & Promote Indianism Worldwide. And to bring and spread the Brahmavakya of the Vedas to every corner of the world.
Bombay Talkies is also working on Latin Movie EGO DOMINUS, Greek Movie EIMAI O THEOS & Tamil Movie MAHANAYAKAN to rejuvenate the ancient language of the World.
Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar of World is one of the Asian filmmakers after Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, to represent Asia on an international platform with his English Movie THE GREAT PATRIOT for Bombay Talkies and his grand union. Student of the military school, Maharishi Aazaad has presented THE GREAT PATRIOT as an artistic and cinematic gift to the enlightened and civilized society of the world.
Under The Command Of Parent company Dube Industries, Legendary film company The Bombay Talkies Studios, Oldest Finance company of India Dube Industries, Kamini Dube, Aazaad Federation, Vishwa Sahitya Parishad, World Literature Organization, Mother Pictures are working as A Grand Union with a noble cause To Unite Whole World Through Art, Literature, Culture & Cinema, especially forgotten ancient languages.
The detailed history on Bombay Talkies and Indian cinema, can be found in the Books, The Man behind Indian Cinema by Mohammad Zahid Ahmed and Bombay Talkies - Pillar of Indian Cinema by KM Srivastava.
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